Game Studies Graduate Minor
The Game Studies Graduate Minor serves students whose graduate research or professional interests intersect with the study and design of games, gaming, game design, digital narratives and storytelling, and the digital, VR/XR and AI technologies involved with the crafting of interactive systems and interfaces relevant to the game, film, education, and media industries, and a range of other emerging professions. The minor will foster critical thinking and research on the history, cultural meaning, social impact, ethics, educational uses, theoretical basis, and increasingly significant role of games, gaming, and interactive media in an inclusive and diverse society, as well as advanced methodological, computational, aesthetic, and design aspects of games broadly defined. This versatile minor is intended to offer interdisciplinary support for game-related research being done within students’ primary disciplines. Students whose work is unrelated to games will also benefit from this minor, since it offers training in and experience with cutting edge technologies and design processes as well as a critical lens through which to understand these new technologies.